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The Ultimate Guide to Zombie Minecraft: Tips, Tricks, and Secrets

Writer: ivmatfockcinvizanmivmatfockcinvizanm

Zombie Minecraft: Everything You Need to Know

If you are a fan of Minecraft, you probably have encountered zombies at some point in your gameplay. Zombies are one of the most common and iconic hostile mobs in the game, and they can pose a serious challenge for beginners and veterans alike. But what are zombies exactly? How do they spawn, behave, and interact with other mobs and players? And how can you deal with them effectively? In this article, we will answer all these questions and more, and give you some tips and tricks on how to survive and thrive in the zombie-infested world of Minecraft.

zombie minecraft

What are zombies in Minecraft?

Zombies are undead creatures that roam the Overworld at night or in dark places. They have green skin, ragged clothes, and a groaning sound. They attack players and villagers by melee, and they can also break wooden doors on hard difficulty. They are affected by sunlight, meaning they will burn and die if exposed to it, unless they are wearing a helmet or submerged in water. They are also vulnerable to fire, lava, fall damage, suffocation, and weapons.

How do zombies spawn in Minecraft?

Zombies may spawn in groups of up to four above solid blocks at a light level of 0, except in mushroom fields and deep dark biomes. All zombies spawned in desert biomes and exposed to the sky have a likelihood of 80% [ JE only] /70% [ BE only] to be replaced by husks. Zombies that are not husks or drowned have a 5% chance to spawn as zombie villagers . Zombie variants have a 5% chance to spawn as babies. The baby zombies also have a chance of spawning as a chicken jockey in Java Edition . All zombie variants (including babies) require a 2-block tall space to spawn. A zombie can also spawn from a husk that drowns in water, but converts to a drowned if its head remains submerged. Zombies spawn with up to 5% of knockback resistance. When a zombie spawn egg is used on a zombie, it spawns a baby zombie.

What are the different types of zombies in Minecraft?

Besides the regular zombies, there are also some variants that have different appearances, abilities, and behaviors. Here are some of them:

Baby zombies

Baby zombies make up 5% of zombie spawns. They are smaller, faster, and more agile than adult zombies. They can fit through one-block gaps and climb ladders. They do not burn under sunlight, but they still take fire damage. They can also ride other mobs, such as chickens, spiders, cows, sheep, pigs, horses, llamas, wolves, ocelots, cats, pandas, foxes, dolphins, polar bears [ JE only] , striders [ JE only] , goats [ JE only] , axolotls [ JE only] , or adult zombies.

Zombie villagers

Zombie villagers are infected villagers that have turned into zombies. They have a 5% chance to spawn naturally when grouped up with regular zombies, and there's also a chance of a villager turning into a zombie when killed by one. The appearance of the zombie villager will vary based on the location it's in and the profession it had before turning into one. They can also be cured and turned back into ordinary villagers if any of the steps below are done:

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  • Using an Effect Cloud of Weakness from a splash potion of weakness or a lingering potion of weakness

  • Using a golden apple on the zombie villager

  • Waiting for 3 to 5 minutes until the zombie villager shakes and transforms into a villager

Zombie villagers retain their professions and trades after being cured, and they also offer discounts to the player who cured them and their friends.


Husks are zombies that spawn in desert biomes. They have a brownish skin tone and tattered clothes. They do not burn under sunlight, but they still take fire damage. They also inflict hunger for 7 seconds on any entity they attack, except other undead mobs. Husks have a chance to spawn wearing armor, and they can also pick up items. Husks can turn into regular zombies if submerged in water for 30 seconds, and then into drowned if their head remains underwater.


Drowned are zombies that have sunk into water and become aquatic. They have a bluish-green skin tone and tattered clothes. They can swim and breathe underwater, but they will burn under sunlight if on land, unless they are wearing a helmet. They can also spawn naturally in ocean and river biomes, sometimes holding tridents, nautilus shells, or fishing rods. Drowned will attack players and villagers by melee or by throwing tridents if they have one. They can also break turtle eggs and chase baby turtles.

Geared zombies

Geared zombies are zombies that spawn wearing armor or holding weapons or tools. They have a chance to spawn with leather, gold, chainmail, iron, or rarely diamond or netherite armor. They can also spawn with swords, shovels, pickaxes, axes, hoes, bows, crossbows, shields, carrots, potatoes, or rarely enchanted books or iron ingots. Geared zombies can also pick up items from the ground or from killed mobs or players. They will drop any items they are holding or wearing when killed, unless the item was picked up by them.

How to deal with zombies in Minecraft?

Zombies can be a nuisance or a danger depending on the situation and the difficulty level. Here are some ways to deal with them effectively:

How to fight zombies in Minecraft?

The best way to fight zombies is to use weapons that deal high damage and have good knockback, such as swords, axes, tridents, or bows. You can also use enchantments such as Sharpness, Smite, Knockback, Fire Aspect, Power, Punch, or Flame to enhance your weapons. You can also use potions such as Strength, Speed, Regeneration, Healing, or Fire Resistance to boost your combat abilities. You can also use shields to block zombie attacks and deflect arrows from skeleton allies.

How to avoid zombies in Minecraft?

The best way to avoid zombies is to stay away from dark places where they can spawn, such as caves, dungeons, mineshafts, strongholds, woodland mansions, pillager outposts, ocean monuments [ JE only] , bastion remnants [ JE only] , ruined portals [ JE only] , shipwrecks [ JE only] , underwater ruins [ JE only] , or igloos [ JE only] . You can also light up your surroundings with torches, lanterns, glowstone, sea lanterns [ JE only] , jack o'lanterns [ JE only] , shroomlights [ JE only] , candles [ JE only] , or other light sources to prevent zombie spawns. You can also use fences, walls, gates, doors, trapdoors, or other barriers to keep zombies out of your base or village. You can also use beds to sleep through the night and skip the zombie attacks. You can also use dogs, cats, iron golems, snow golems, or other friendly mobs to help you fend off zombies.

How to cure zombie villagers in Minecraft?

As mentioned before, zombie villagers can be cured and turned back into normal villagers if you follow these steps:

  • Use a splash potion of weakness or a lingering potion of weakness to create an effect cloud of weakness around the zombie villager.

  • Use a golden apple on the zombie villager. You will hear a loud hissing sound and see some red particles around the zombie villager.

  • Wait for 3 to 5 minutes until the zombie villager shakes and transforms into a villager. You will hear a loud ding sound and see some green particles around the villager.

Note that curing a zombie villager is not always possible, as some zombie villagers may despawn or die before you can cure them. Also, curing a zombie villager may attract more zombies to the area, so be prepared to defend yourself and the zombie villager. Curing a zombie villager will also grant you positive reputation with the villagers and lower their prices for trades.

Why are zombies important in Minecraft?

Zombies are not just enemies that you have to fight or avoid in Minecraft. They also have some benefits and roles that make them important in the game. Here are some of them:

Zombies as a source of loot and experience

Zombies can drop various items when killed, such as rotten flesh, iron ingots, carrots, potatoes, armor, weapons, tools, or rarely enchanted books. These items can be useful for crafting, trading, eating, or enchanting. Zombies also drop experience orbs when killed, which can be used to level up and enchant your items. You can also use zombies as a source of renewable loot and experience by creating a zombie farm using spawners, traps, or other mechanisms.

Zombies as a challenge and a threat

Zombies can also provide a challenge and a threat for players who want to test their skills and strategies in survival mode. Zombies can swarm you in large numbers, break your doors, infect your villagers, or surprise you from behind. Zombies can also spawn with different gear and abilities, making them harder to kill or escape from. Zombies can also adapt to different environments and situations, such as becoming husks in deserts or drowned in water. Zombies can also work together with other hostile mobs, such as skeletons, spiders, creepers, witches, endermen, or illagers.

Zombies as a part of the game lore and atmosphere

Zombies are also an integral part of the game lore and atmosphere of Minecraft. Zombies add a sense of mystery and horror to the game world, as they are undead creatures that have no clear origin or purpose. Zombies also add a sense of contrast and diversity to the game world, as they are different from the other living creatures and biomes. Zombies also add a sense of humor and fun to the game world, as they are sometimes silly and amusing in their appearance and behavior.


Zombies are one of the most iconic and common mobs in Minecraft. They have many features and functions that make them interesting and important in the game. Whether you want to fight them, avoid them, cure them, loot them, farm them, or just admire them, zombies are always there to spice up your Minecraft experience.


  • Q: How many hits does it take to kill a zombie in Minecraft?

  • A: It depends on the weapon you are using and the difficulty level you are playing on. On easy difficulty, it takes 2 hits with a diamond sword or axe , 3 hits with an iron sword or axe , 4 hits with a stone sword or axe , 5 hits with a wooden sword or axe , 6 hits with a trident , 7 hits with an arrow , 8 hits with a fist , or 9 hits with a snowball . On normal difficulty, it takes 3 hits with a diamond sword or axe, 4 hits with an iron sword or axe, 5 hits with a stone sword or axe, 6 hits with a wooden sword or axe, 7 hits with a trident, 9 hits with an arrow, 10 hits with a fist, or 11 hits with a snowball. On hard difficulty, it takes 4 hits with a diamond sword or axe, 5 hits with an iron sword or axe, 6 hits with a stone sword or axe, 8 hits with a wooden sword or axe, 9 hits with a trident, 11 hits with an arrow, 13 hits with a fist, or 14 hits with a snowball.

  • Q: How do you spawn a zombie in Minecraft?

  • A: You can spawn a zombie in Minecraft by using a zombie spawn egg in creative mode, by using the /summon command in cheats mode, or by finding a zombie spawner in survival mode. You can also spawn a zombie by using a husk spawn egg in a desert biome, by using a drowned spawn egg in an ocean or river biome, or by using a zombie villager spawn egg in any biome.

  • Q: How do you tame a zombie in Minecraft?

  • A: You cannot tame a zombie in Minecraft, as they are hostile mobs that will always attack you and other living creatures. However, you can name a zombie using a name tag , which will prevent it from despawning and make it easier to identify. You can also put armor and weapons on a zombie using dispensers , which will make it stronger and more durable. You can also trap a zombie in a cage or enclosure , which will prevent it from wandering off and attacking others.

  • Q: How do you make a zombie villager follow you in Minecraft?

  • A: You can make a zombie villager follow you in Minecraft by holding an item that they can pick up, such as rotten flesh, iron ingots, carrots, potatoes, armor, weapons, tools, or enchanted books. However, not all zombie villagers can pick up items, as this ability is determined by the regional difficulty and the game difficulty. You can also make a zombie villager follow you by wearing golden armor , which will make them more attracted to you.

  • Q: How do you make a zombie farm in Minecraft?

  • A: You can make a zombie farm in Minecraft by using spawners , traps , or other mechanisms to spawn and collect zombies. A simple way to make a zombie farm is to find a dungeon that has a zombie spawner , and then dig out the area around it to create a spawning room. Then, place water at one end of the room to push the zombies to the other end, where you can place hoppers , chests , and lava to kill them and collect their drops. You can also use pistons , redstone , dispensers , and other devices to automate the process and improve the efficiency of your farm.



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